Tool Exchange III

Bobcat 642 with a CAT Propane Engine, Roura Dump Hopper, Electrician Tools: 1000 volt Hand Tools, Ridgid Seesnake Inspection Camera, Testers; New Sandblast Cabinet, Craftsman 33gal Air Compressor, Cub Cadet Snow Blower, John Deere 70 Garden Tractor, Lincoln AC-225C Welder, 12" Delta Planer, Dremel Cut Off Power Tools, Genie Lift, Vulcan Casters and Woodworking Tools
  •   Mar 20 @ 7:00pm CDT (Start)
  •   Apr 1 @ 6:00pm CDT (End)
  •   Add to Calendar

Location: 13319 60th St SW, Cokato, MN 55321

Driving Directions: One hour west of St. Paul off of Hwy 12 on a frontage road behind Bad Boys Custom Motorcycles

Auction Close: Tuesday, April 1st, 2025 beginning at 6PM

Inspection: TBD/By Appointment

Checkout by Appointment: Thursday, April 3rd from 10AM to 4PM

Buyer's Premium: 15%

Sales Tax: 7.375%

4% Convenience fee applied to credit card transactions. 

Please read these terms carefully. 

Everything is sold AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees. By bidding on this auction you agree that it is your responsibility as the buyer to determine the condition, authenticity, and value of an item. We recommend that you attend the public inspection. If you are unable to attend and would like more information about a particular item please contact our office at 952.322.9199 during the scheduled inspection period to be transferred to a staff person on site.

MNauction will do its best to accurately describe items but makes no representations. Under no circumstances shall MNauction be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. MNauction will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise. Bidders shall be the sole judge of value.

MNauction is providing internet only bidding for this auction. This service may or may not function properly at the close of the auction. Under no circumstances shall a bidder have any kind of claim against MNauction or anyone else if the internet service fails to work correctly during the close of the auction. MNauction is not responsible for missed bids or inaccurately entered bids.

MNauction reserves the right to stop or pause and restart the auction in the event that any internet service, server, or other service should malfunction or otherwise disrupt the closing of an auction.

MNauction reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction.

Some items may sell subject to seller confirmation. The reserve may drive the bidding on some items. This is not an absolute auction unless specifically stated in the auction heading.


Payment Instructions

Payment for your purchase is due at the conclusion of the posted Checkout Time. Payment can be made at the time of your scheduled pickup. Checks must be made payable to MNauction.

A 15% buyer’s premium applies to all purchases.

We accept cash, check (up to $3000), wire transfer ($25 fee), or credit card (4% convenience fee).

Adjustments in sales tax (if applicable) may be made at the time of payment. 

Sales tax and vehicle transfer fees will apply to all motor vehicle and trailer purchases unless otherwise noted.


Item Pick Up Instructions

This auction will feature a scheduled pickup. If you are a successful buyer, you will be emailed and/or receive a text message requesting that you schedule a pickup appointment. All buyers wishing to pick their items up will be required to make an appointment.

Shipping Instructions

Payment for your purchase is due at the conclusion of the posted Checkout Time.

  1. Indicate that you want shipping via post auction email from Shipping Saint
  2. Pay for your purchase
  3. We will pack your items and send you an invoice for shipping
  4. Pay the shipping invoice
  5. We will send you your package

This is a pack and ship service. You will be charged for the cost of the label, materials, and labor. We will remove your items, bring them to our site, and process them at our shipping department. Costs depend on weight, dimensions, labor input and materials. Please feel free to contact us for a quote. 


Freight Instructions

Payment for your purchase is due at the conclusion of the posted Checkout Time.

Freight should be arranged by the buyer. If you haven't done this before, please feel free to call or email us. We are happy to help. All freight pickups will be from Savage, MN 55378. This location in Savage has a dock and forklift with Mon-Fri loading hours.

Basic palletizing starts at $65.00. This includes banding, shrink wrap, minor rigging, and transportation to the Savage, MN location. If you need a quote on an oversized pallet or you have additional needs, please feel free to contact us.