Surplus Inventory Delano, MN

This auction is being done in partnership with Fram Fram Machinery and will be hosted on K-Bid's bidding platform. 2005 CastAir Air Compressor, Timesavers 1211-12-0 Wide Belt Sander, Timesavers MDC-5 Dust Collector, Timesavers WDC-3 Dust Collector, The Rofin-Sinar 2000 SM CO2 Laser Systems, Dremel 3D40 FLEX 3D Printer, 5-Axis Laser CNC Machine Control, Buehler Ecomet Metallurgical Polishers with table, Greenlee 9510 Wire Spool Cart, Craftsman Retractable Air Hose Reel, Fuses, Transformers, Smog-Hog SH-10-PE Industrial Air Cleaner, Hydraulic Scissor Lift Tables, Welding Cables, Tumblers, Portable Laser Chillers, Graymills PE245 Aqueous Parts Cleaner, Craftsman Garage Door Openers, Collet Fixtures, Gerber Technologies Accuplot 100 Plotter, Pallet Jack

Location: Delano, MN 55328

Auction Close: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 beginning at 6PM

Inspection: Tuesday, March 25th from 12PM to 3PM

Checkout by Appointment: Wednesday & Thursday, March 26th & 27th from 10AM to 4PM